Chateau Prototype Urushi/Raden/Gold Leaf Fountain Pens


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Chateau Prototype Urushi/Raden/Gold Leaf Fountain Pens

These pens are prototype pens made only for the use of deciding which techniques we will use for the next edition. Most of them are one offs and none of them will be done in these shapes. There are 2 sizes. Oversized and Full size. Both versions have a number 6 nib. To see the size comparison, check the very bottom of the page for a comparison to a Montblanc 149.

Each pen comes with an 18k Gold nib and they are Converter filled. Each pen is done with Urushi and most of them have other techniques, all of which take weeks to create. The Gold leaf pens have about 30 layers and 3-4 days of drying in between.

Each pen will come with wood box, Pen kimono (random design and color). Picture below is for you reference.


Tame-Nuri on Yellow (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Tame-Nuri over Purple (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Dark Green Tame-Nuri (Full Size)

Grass Green Urushi (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Tame-Nuri on Grass Green Urushi (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Nanako Nuki (Seads left on the Urushi until it dries, then removed) (Full Size)

Red and Black Free pattern with Gold Powder Body (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Horizontal Red and Black Free Pattern (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Gold Leaf Layered with Urushi (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Tame-Nuri on red Dark (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Tame-Nuri on red Light (Full Size) (Sold out)

Tame-Nuri Fade Clipless (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Tame-Nuri Fade with clip (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Black Urushi with Sprinkled Raden (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Shell Raden with Gold Power fade (Oversized) (Clipless) SOLD OUT

Raden with Black Urushi (Full size) SOLD OUT

Gold Leaf with Urushi (Full Size) SOLD OUT

Gold Leaf with urushi (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Black Urushi (Oversized)

Black Urushi with Shell Raden (Oversized) SOLD OUT

Here is a comparison picture of the Full size and Oversized next to a Modern Montblanc 149.

Weight 3 lbs

Nib size


Filling System

Trim Color



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Nib grade


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Chateau Prototype Urushi/Raden/Gold Leaf Fountain Pens
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