Delta Tuareg Limited Edition Fountain Pen

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Published on March, 2015

Original price was: $895.00.Current price is: $395.00.

SKU: SKU-16670 Category:
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Delta’s continuing commitment to celebrate the Worlds’ most enduring and unchanged cultures is realized in Tuareg, the first of the 2004 Indigenous Peoples series.The Tuareg are known as “ The Blue People”because the unique azure color of their garments sets them apart from other nomadic peoples of the desert. The Tuareg are Nomads who once traveled Western Africa in great caravans of camels controlling trans-Saharan trade for thousands of years until modern conveyances forced their influence. Today, the Tuareg have settled into sedentary towns that were once the epicenters of trade and power.Delta has forged the clip in the shape of the Tuareg Takouba (warrior’s sword) to celebrate the struggle to maintain one’s identity and cultural values even in the face of a mortal threat. Tuareg is truly an instrument of self expression.

CLIP: Sterling Silver replicating the Tuareg Takouba Sword
NIB: Delta Millenium 19kt Gold with engraved Tuareg Collection Logo.  Platinum Mask
CAP & BODY: Hand-formed acrylic resin in authentic Tuareg Blue
TRIM: Sterling Silver

MSRP on the DT84061 Delta Tuareg Limited Edition Fountain Pen is $895

Weight 1 lbs

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