Sailor Rei Aomori Hachinohe-nuri 3rd Series Fountain Pen


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Sailor Rei Aomori Hachinohe-nuri 3rd Series Fountain Pen

This pen is lovingly used and comes complete with a box, papers and ink. It is equipped with a 21k Medium nib and fills via cartridge converter (included).

In Aomori Prefecture, tsugaru-nuri is a famous traditional art. Urushi lacquerware art requires refined urushi lacquer coating techniques due to the properties of the urushi lacquer. In modern times, there has been an increase in the number of artists who create works overflowing with creativity while learning traditional urushi lacquer.

Active urushi lacquerware artists must have a serious craftsman temperament leading to urushi lacquerware works, having a high level of creativity featuring superior quality. Hachinohe-nuri was named by Shimamori, a resident of Hachinohe, who after several years of training and learning traditional Tsugaru lacquerware, was impressed by the people who grew and collected lacquer in Hachinohe, giving birth to an awareness of the importance of conveying Hachinohe.

Aomori is a cold region, so the lacquer does not dry well and the color often does not come out well. In order to improve the nature of the lacquer, the Tsugaru region, where lacquer layering has been refined, developed a technique called togidashi kawari-nuri. Hachinohe-nuri is an exquisite form of lacquer art with a special texture that is deeply sensitive to the human mind expressing the mental landscape through the repeated unique refinement of the layered lacquering process of the kawari-nuri technique.

Exclusive Paulownia Wood Case Paulownia wood which makes up the box is the perfect material for storing lacquerware products. This box is made of high quality Japanese pawlownia wood with a detailed grainy texture. The strap is a durable braid which doesn’t bend easily and is said to have been often used by historical tea master Sen no Rikyu as a tea ceremony equipment.

Lacquer Artist Hirokazu Shimamori Born in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture / Graduated University with a degree from the Art, Design and Metal Carving Dept. / Graduate of Tsugaru-nuri Research Center (Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture) Award for Excellence: University Graduate Exhibition / Award for Excellence: Tsugaru-nuri Exhibition In 2011, Hirokazu started up his own brand “LANDPROTECTO” to pursue the potentials of traditional artistic heritage. His artistic style is a fusion of Urushi lacquer art and metal carving art, integrating tradition with original creativity to heighten the value of traditional arts and crafts. Hirokazu’s unique works of art have won wide acclaim at countless solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and craft fairs.

Weight 1 lbs
Nib content

Filling System





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Sailor Rei Aomori Hachinohe-nuri 3rd Series Fountain Pen
Original price was: $1,395.00.Current price is: $1,195.00.

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

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