Conway Stewart Detection Collection Michael Jecks, The Church House Limited Edition Fountain Pen #1 of 100

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Published on September, 2008

Original price was: $1,300.00.Current price is: $995.00.

SKU: SKU-3589 Category:
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This pen is in stock and ready to ship, this listing is for the #1 pen in the limited edition. This is the only one that I have left in stock, MSRP on this pen is $1162.

The first of the Detection Collection celebrates the works of Michael Jecks, British author of the Templar Series, known for the best-selling medieval crime stories set in the turbulent 1300s. Michael’s love for Conway Stewart pens started with the purchase of the Churchill model in classic black resin which he used almost daily. His passion for our fine writing instruments grew and he soon added the solid sterling silver Drake model to his daily choice of writing instruments.
As a resident of Northern Dartmoor, Michael finds inspiration for his novels by walking over the moors of Devon, the home County of Conway Stewart.

To launch the first series of the Detection Collection, the pen model design chosen by Michael is an adaptation of our popular Winston from the European Edition. The Winston model bears close characteristics of our award winning Churchill model — one of Michael’s favourite pens — bringing a fresh modern style to the timeless classic oversize flat top look.

The Michael Jecks Church House edition is limited to only 100 numbered pieces in a choice of fountain pen or roller ball writing modes. Crafted from our elegant Dartmoor finish, an interesting series of browns, shimmering with suppressed highlights, marbled into a deep black background. This choice of resin is deceptively simple with Image of Michael Jenks and Glenn Jonesits mixture of understated shades and allows the owner to experience the best of both worlds: elegant and classic design with a touch of shimmering fashion.

The barrel is set off with an 18 carat solid gold ring at the bottom and a large gold band at the section and Michael Jeck’s autograph engraved on the barrel. The cap features a pair of solid gold bands and the Detection Collection logo engraved on the cap top. The fountain pen is mounted with an 18 carat solid gold nib in a choice of eight nib grades from Extra Fine to Extra Broad, Italic Fine, Italic Medium and Italic Broad. Ink is delivered via the twist fill mechanism which allows the use of our wide choice of colours available with bottled inks.

The Detection Collection limited edition series is housed in the luxury Conway Stewart packaging accompanied with a personally signed book published exclusively for this series along with a bottle of Conway Stewart ink chosen by the author.

The Michael Jecks edition is the ideal choice for those who want a large pen, one that stands out in a crowd, but which still stays true to the classic style and feel of a classic vintage Conway Stewart design. The top mounted clip allows the pen to sit low in the pocket, making this model a more practical choice for everyday use, and we’ve added a carefully balanced solid brass liner to the barrel to give this model a comfortable heft without making it too heavy for comfortable use.Image of the Detective Collection
“I am stunned by the looks and feel of it … and the first job for the pen will be signing all the copies of the short story to be sold with it!”Michael Jecks, July 2010

“Quality pen users tend to be avid readers. We hope our collection, working with some of the highest calibre authors, will be of great appeal.” Glenn Jones, August 2010


Weight 1 lbs

Trim Color


Nib content

Conway Stewart Nibs


Nib grade

Filling System



Nib size


Price Point



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