Namiki Emperor Maki-e Kylin Fountain Pen

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Namiki Emperor Maki-e Kylin Fountain Pen

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Namiki by Pilot Emporer Red Fountain Pen


Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin Namiki Emperor Kylin


Namiki Emperor Kylin

Below is a picture of the Large #50 nib compared to a Montblanc 149 nib.

Namiki by Pilot Emporer Red Fountain Pen

The Emperor Collection is Namiki’s highest ranking series. A size No.50 (Jumbo) 18k gold  nib, the same size as the large Maki-e fountain pen created about 90 years ago, as well as possessing an ink stopping function and the body being shaped with ebonite.

The Kylin is thought to have a compound appearance with a dragon’s head, antlers, horse hoofs, an oxtail, wolf’s forehead and a colorful chest. It is lively, intelligent and most of all gentle but valorous to ward off devils. To see a Kylin is a good omen that brings rui, roughly translated as “serenity” or “prosperity” and it is the custom in some regions, to believe that the Kylin will give them a son.

Although it looks fearsome, the Kylin only punishes the wicked. It can walk on grass yet not trample the blades, and it can also walk on water. As it is a peaceful creature, its diet does not include flesh. It takes great care when it walks never to harm or tread on any living thing, and it is said to appear only in areas ruled by a wise and benevolent leader (some say even if this area is only a house). It is normally gentle but can become fierce if a pure person is threatened by a sinner, spouting flames from its mouth and exercising other fearsome powers that vary from story to story.

 Namiki Maki-e fountain pens encompass the ultimate fusion of skill and spirit inherited from their predecessors, and also the roots of PILOT. Over many years to the present day, they are one of the top brands in Maki-e fountain pens conveying Japanese traditional culture.

Lacquering, drawing, sprinkling and polishing. In order to bring out a beautiful, fine Maki-e, these 4 processes are repeated many times over.  More than 3 months are required until completion, with some Maki-e fountain pens being completed after going through the process as much as 130 times.

This pen employs an eyedropper filling system.

MSRP $11,000

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