Danitrio Torpedo Fountain Pen Blue with Gold Cap

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Published on August, 2012


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SKU: SKU-20077 Category:
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Danitrio has been known as a high quality pen manufacturer for decades. They have literally made hundreds of variations of pens throughout the years. Presented for sale here is a blue resin fountain pen that was made over a decade ago, it is still in brand new condition.

At Danitrio they decided rather to focus on a smaller range of pens, particularly the hand painted Maki-e pens. These pens here have been kept for more than 15 years in good quality. The nibs are in the Medium grade, also these pens fill via cartridge convertor.

The MSRP on this pen when it was released 20 years ago was around $65. Today the MSRP would be over $100.

Weight 0.4 lbs

Trim Color


Nib grade

Nib content

Filling System

Price Point



Nib size




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